Saturday, August 9, 2008

So the choice of the name soft kore gamer came about due to other things I wanted to use weren't available and to emphasize that my gaming is not so hard core that I go out and spend tons of money on hd tvs and brand new game systems. I carefully plan for what I want, saving up slowly.

I also don't spend most of time gaming. I may have used to, but now I have more important things to do. I still enjoy gaming but my time has to be more concentrated, I have to be more picky about what I play/do. I'm also more of a social gamer now. I still like Warcraft 3 and the various great FPS games available (I don't just play DDR), but I enjoy them 200% more when I am playing with friends that I can communicate with while playing.

that's all I got to say bout that